Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I have to laugh - irony is soooo ironic

I see on matrixwatch that Alan Hughes has been ranting and raving on the YM forums and likely getting banned soon. He is talking about how Kim doesn't care and that YM is just a bad movie etc. Here is the same guy that was a thorn in my side when I was trying to exercise a little free speech on the forums. So the wheels grind slow sometimes, but they do grind. I am not as forgiving as some on matrixwatch who would invite him with open arms. I consider him as guilty as Kim Inman, Stephen Rose, and others.

It is hard to believe he feels this way about Kim, they look like best buds here:

Friday, December 15, 2006

Preamble (or should that be pre-ramble) to the latest newsletter

A Word From Kim
Stephen Rose, our Director of Communication, has
written a completely up to date collection of 27 Reasons to Join STA, STAy or
Success Through Advertising -- your choice!

Pretty convincing stuff(sarcasm) considering Mr. Rose just quit. Actions speak louder than words.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So Esto resigns

As an image from a poster on MW illustrates this is just another rat running from a sinking ship.

Who is next?