Mike "BS" Hamilton
From the latest newsletter:
We have never been:
a cycler
a matrix
a money program
an affiliate program
a doubler.
What th!!!!????
You had something called a cycle!!
You called it a straight line matrix!!
It was designed to make people money!! Or at least advertised as much, we know now only the first ones in made any money, especially Kim Inman, con man extrordinare.
You paid people to sign other affiliates up!!!
Double your money in 90 days, that is what you said!!
Damn Mike, if you are going to lie, at least make it somehow believable and not so easy to debate.
Latest partner?
Kim and YMMSS continue to try to feed off its captive membership. Now they have rolled out this miquotes affiliate program webpage.
Like anyone has any money left to pay for that. Inman already screwed them out of whatever nest egg they had, now he is trying to get their monthly too.
Interestingly enough miquotes is a member of the BBB and has a satisfactory record dealing with complaints.
I wonder if they know the type of scum they are dealing with Kim Inman and the other YMMSS grifters. Maybe someone should let them know.
I know I have been out of touch, but I was reading on another board that Kim's wife divorced him. Not sure of it, I have not seen it anywhere else, just wondering if she took the money and suckered him. Would serve the fat bastard right.
Maybe she is drinking daquiris with the cabana boys down in Belize.

Sorry Kimmy, even with lots of money there is only so much that a woman can overlook.
Kim's latest newletter
Committed to making every IBA happy? Oh, I guess that is why you have to take every opportunity to deactivate the unhappy ones.
What a crock.
I have never seen so much bull in my life...and I LIVE IN TEXAS!!!
Wait just a minute
I guess someone stopped converting the conference call into minutes a while back. So either they don't want a written record of the spewing BS or the person(s) doing it finally wised up.
The BIG announcement
Yep, just more Kim Inman YMMSS/STA scamming double talk. More "wait and see".
Are there actually still people who believe in this conman? It is hard for me to believe that there could be people that STUPID!!! Sorry, but I call em the way I see them.
This thing has been going downhill for a long time folks. For someone to take this long to catch on is really depressing.
It makes you feel sorry for them.
It makes you wonder about our school systems.
It makes you wonder if you could put a sack of crap on ebay and someone would buy it.