Kim caught in leather love nest
Matrixwatch YMMSS forum
The last time someone posted there was 5 days ago. Gee, could anything be wrong. Could there be possibly be someone there working as a mod that perhaps is not suited for the position.
MW F'sUp, YM wins.
Matrixwatch dead?
Hey, looks like nothing is happening over there. I remember reading about another forum someone had found without all the censorship. If someone would drop me that info I would be happy to post it here for everyone to see.
No forum?? Bad link?
Well it looks like the free forum I chose is about as reliable as blogger. And to think it was recommended. Sheesh. Well, what do you expect for nothing, right?
Maybe they are doing maintenance or something. I will let you know. I would like to see if it was even used before finding a replacement for it. If it wasn't I may just let it die a natural death.
Warning - Talkgold
One of the forums I visit to get other views on YM is
However, when I visited it today a trojan warning sprung up in my browser and I had to go through task manager to shut it down.
Then when I tried again it seems to freeze.
Be careful if you visit this site as well.
YMMSS forum
I created this YM forum. I am not trying to compete with MW, but just give people an outlet to blow off some steam. Doesn't seem to be the speediest site in the world and I don't know if anybody will even use it. But if someone wants to drop a post in there feel free. Or go create your own forum. I encourage people to get involved with all the free stuff on the internet. It can be a lot of fun and it is educational even if it is frustrating at times.
ymmss sta forumOh, and if you have any suggestions I would be happy to listen.
Thanks all.
Man, not sure what is going on with the
MatrixWatch YMMSS forum. Looks pretty slow in there. Maybe the bans and unnecessary post deletions have caught up with them.
Or could be people are just giving up. Too bad. People don't have any perseverance nowadays. Maybe that was what Kim was counting on. They just get tired or bored and move on while Inman and his scam crew laugh all the way to the bank.
Well, I'll throw MW the link above anyway.
By my calculations
I should have made a whopping
$43,520 by now from YMMSS. Of course I haven't made a dime.
Hey Kimmy, if you want to buy me off you should start at that number. I hear you have given a couple refunds already. You say you don't, but you do.
It's funny to see them talk about how all rights are reserved on the conference call minutes etc. If it was a legitimate business they would want the added exposure wouldn't they?
I didn't get much past that. Listening to them talk about how they have all this innovative software and ideas about advertising like they have discovered the inside track just made me sick. It's ridiculous. There are other companies who have been doing it for years. And they do it better and they get it out on time.
The only thing YM has ever done ahead of schedule was get rid of the claim via website option.
This post is copyrighted worldwide ;). This means you Kim Inman, lying and thiefing founder of YMMSS (Your Money Machine Success System) and STA (Success Through Advertising).
Can't believe what I'm reading
Over on MW this post from one of the mods:
In summary, you are always more than welcome at Matrixwatch. We have a few rules that we ask everyone follow. We believe that the rules are fair, and are enforced fairly. We can only hope that our community feels the same. If some individuals do not, then leaving might be their only option.
Enforced fairly???? You mean like you deleting threads that break no rules while attacks are allowed to stand?
Yeah, right, fairly. Give me a break Merc.
Doesn't seem like much going on
I think we may possibly be into the end game phase of Kim's operation. With the selling of the resort he may be on his way out. He may even be looking to move from Belize and quietly retire into a secluded life of leisure living off our money. He probably has enough he could buy his on island.
Keep filing those complaints folks, it probably has to reach a critical mass amount of money and people before they move on him and his cohorts in crime.
Kim's "Isle of Ponzi".
Comment moderation
Sorry guys, had to turn on moderation, had some yahoo coming here and posting like 10 comments promoting his website. Problem was it didn't even relate to YM or Kim Inman or his thieving wife and family.
YMMSS scam searchers
Have noticed in my stats a lot of people getting here through searches for "YMMSS scam" or "Kim Inman scam" or variations on that theme.
Hmmm, maybe all the broken promises, the selling of the resort, the still low payout, and other stuff has finally taken its toll even on the diehards.
Saw this Kim-ism on MW
Q-7: What is being done to satisfy the incredible unrest among the current membership?
I do not feel we have incredible unrest. I think we have incredible participation from a few, incredible understanding from many, and a high degree of unrest among a few. In general the unrest is accompanied by a good deal of talk and not that much participation. I am tempted to say that unrest is in the eye of the beholder. We in fact know exactly what we need to do and we are taking steps to do it. It is not fast enough for some. And that makes some restless. What else can I say?
Unrest is in the eye of the beholder???
Yeah, that's right Kim, I guess things look pretty rosy when you
be-holding all the cash while the rest of us are holding a bunch of your empty promises you lying bastard.
Classic Kim (dickhead) Inman
Q3: Is the money in the "On Hold" accounts available to the members once the payment processor conundrum is worked out, as in actual hard cash? I have seen some skeptical comments from some disgruntled members indicating that the unavailability of these funds is contributing to this delay.
A3: This is not the first time that we have experienced entirely false allegations from someone who have joined primarily to help ruin this business. At any point during this conundrum as you call it, we would gladly have waved a magic wand and the funds would have moved from where they securely sit to you. The funds are in cash. The funds are yours. They are available. And we will pay them.
Q4: Kim, with no disrespect meant in any way, when are we going to start to meet deadlines and start to make some money that we can get our hands on?
A4: This is putting the previous question another way and it has already been answered. We intend to start paying all funds on hold to IBA’s on or by June 1. The reason I say “start paying” is because it depends on the process that we will be paying you. If it is by check then it will take a few days to process and mail, but daily checks will be mailed daily from June 1st until it we have paid everyone that wants it and has a balance of over $25.00 on hold. This is the only deadline we have set, so if we do not meet it you will have a point. We regret the delays related to Cornerstone, indeed we regret the entire progression of problems and delays with third parties. This merely convinces us to move to vertical integration to the greatest possible extent. It should be noted that once we have a solution in place such as debit cards, we will use it exclusively and this temporary solution will be discontinued.
Just too funny. In A4 he gets an attitude and says the question has already been answered, but then he goes on for several more sentences. Also, it doesn't look to me like the questions are the same thing. He is just getting pissy.
Also, the comment (bolded) about that is the only deadline we have set is priceless. Oh, that's right, all the other things were "goals". Like...
90 day cycles
100K members making 100K
Debit cards
No losers, only winners
19 million
Kim's last resort

There is a thread on matrixwatch mentioning that Kim has sold the Belize resort. A few things pop into my mind:
1) He is liquidating assets for the eventual flee to parts unknown and the eventual and inevitable shutdown of YM/STA.
2) Hoping to keep people hooked a little longer he will use the funds from the sale to pump up the RFA for a few weeks.
3) He will use the funds to magically make the infamous 19 million show up though I have no idea how much the resort is worth plus I can't believe Kim would part with any money.
4) "We" never owned it at all, and our lease is up.
It's true, now anyone can make money online
make money
19 million
Q23: Will it be possible for us to be making 10 cents per credit by the end of the year?
A23: I don’t know. That’s a hard question to answer because I don’t know how many credits are out there. I don’t know how many people will be buying wholesale reading credits. There are various scenarios that would impact the answer.
Gee, you would think that 19 million dollars coming in soon would be able to push it up to 10 cents.
What are you trying to say Kimmy? No 19 mil? Say it isn't so.
Kim's non-answers
Q6: To the best of your knowledge at this time, what percentage of the IBA membership of 24,000+ has been paid by check that have requested it?
A6: All of those who requested a check and met their 30 minute reading requirement have been paid by check. As for the percentage of the membership, I have no idea.
Q8: What percentage of the IBA membership is purchasing EPC’s with their On Hold funds?
A8: I don’t keep statistics on any of this information.
For a guy that is supposed to be in charge he doesn't seem to know a hell of a lot, does he?
Attention all fence sitters
When are you people going to wake up? You have been scammed.
I know. Your friends or family that got you into this are telling you to wait, things will turn around. Sorry, the only way they have turned is down. They have made money off of it. Of course they are fine with it. They aren't bad people, they thought they were giving you a good tip. But the fact is you/I/we got in too late.
The ponzi balloon has gone bust. The last little bit of air is escaping. And all the hot air from Kim Inman, Mike Hamilton, Stephen Rose, and the rest won't be enough to blow it up again.
Your best option is to go to the
MatrixWatch YMMSS Forum and join the movement. File complaints. Forget my personal feelings about one mod and a member over there. Overall they are trying to do the right thing and we all need your help.
You may never get your money back, but we can at least try to make sure Kim, his family, and other cronies do not get to sit back on their fat asses for the rest of their lives on OUR money.
It's up to you.
How can you tell when Kim is lying?
His lips are moving.
Riddle for you

What's the difference between a STA payday and a popular rap artist?

About 48 cents...
Pyramid Scheme Alert
This seemed like a fairly informative site.
Pyramid Scheme Alert
What a jack@ss
It always amazes and amuses me when I read those conference call minutes and Kim gets testy. Here is a guy who has ripped off and hurt thousands upon thousands of people and he gets pissy just because someone asks him a hard, but fair and reasonable question.
MW, ghost town?
Looks like the Matrix Watch YMMSS forum is down to just a few members. Can't say that I blame anyone. They have run off or banned some of the best members they had over there. It's unfortunate that they have played right into Kim's hand.
In honor of 666 today
The YMMSS business scamodel
They seem to continually bring out what they claim to be great unique innovations, but have already been done (and better) by someone else.
Paid to read
Surveys - demographics for advertisers
Linkshare (and similar) retail advertising
Does anyone there ever really have an original creative thought?
No pay this week?
What now? You guys need like a dial-an-excuse. Hey, here's one to get you started.
MatrixWatch strikes again?
As I understand it one of the veteran members on MW in the fight against YMMSS has been banned. Seems like it is always the same mod causing problems over there. Deleting harmless threads or ejecting the wrong people.
Some people just take theirselves way
too serious or maybe they feel they have to live up to their nickname.
Sorry Folks
I have been out of pocket for about a week. Let me get caught up and I will post again.
Thanks for your continued reading and support!
In the meantime something out of my hometown paper