Mr. and Mrs. Scam

Sue and Kim Inman grinning like the fox who just came out of the hen house.
If STA is such a legitimate business now how come they aren't a member of the Better Business Bureau?
Because they would get so many complaints they would never be able to maintain a satisfactory rating. And Kim doesn't want people to be able to check out his scam so easy. Plus I guess it would have to be an actual business, better or otherwise.
Add your own ripoff report
ymmss ripoff report
Some past Esto
Q:I agree it's working now (based on my research. I am not a member), but longevity seems to be impossible when you do the math Confused. How long can it possibly last? (Shocked)If everybody’s money doubles in 60-90 days - Do the math. It seems like the early arrivals will benefit, and the late ones will pay everyone else.
A:This is a common statement of non-members including one consistent critic who has never been willing to join and see for himself. I think the perception comes from too much exposure to downlines and other pay schemes. Most of our members do not believe until they have been paid and see that it works I have a standing offer to buy back the positions of anyone I introduce for what he or she paid for them. Never any takers.
Hey Esto, does that offer still stand?
Esto goes insane - Kim fumes
Invites people on the YM forum to go to MatrixWatch.
Says there is no math model.
Admits YMMSS was a matrix.
Kim Inman secretly wishes he would just shut up.
The Ponz
Another oldie but goodie:

Yomama bin Scammin
Originally created and posted on matrixwatch. Thought I would post it here for your amusement.

Knowing our place
Ponzi scam news
Not related to YM except for being a ponzi/scam too, just putting it out there so people know these things don't go unpunished.
Judge slams coupleTwo Men Nabbed For $68 Million Alleged Ponzi ScamMan gets 15 years for Ponzi scheme
Trial of alleged religious scam expected to go to jury WednesdayNotice how recent all this is. These scams are rampant it seems. Watch your backs folks.
Our governments - are they listening?
Why are they so slow to move on this guy?
Because they are building the case. You always see it in the papers. They bust someone or a group of people and in the newspaper article it mentions how they have been working on it for a couple years.
So it only seems like nothing is happening, but that is how they do it, in secrecy and with stealth.
Rest assured, if nothing else the IRS wants their share of the loot.
Prepared to be let down
Q14: Are we still on target for end of May increases?
A14: We are looking for smaller increases at the end of May/early June timeframe. The weeks following that will have both ups and downs, but the overall trend will be upward. Then as summer tails off, you will start to see the exponential and steady increases that we’ve all been waiting such a long time for. I want to be clear that if a particular retailer’s check doesn’t clear before the Wednesday that we had anticipated it clearing, you may see income go down that week.
Is it me or does it sound like a bunch of double talk that sounds like a weather man trying to hedge his bets.
What do you think the odds are that that
particular retailer's check doesn't clear?
A Kim Inman conference call revelation
Q9: Is the $15-17 million per week still coming in July?
A9: We’ll see in July.
Wow, what a bottomless pit of information you are Kim.
Exciting new associate product news
Get your branded t-shirt now.

With that patented YM/STA/IBA color scheme. They took our green, we are in the red, and now we are blue...
To all those naysayers
who say Kim isn't really holding our money for us.
I'm hear the STA debit card is just as easy to use as this one
I'm sure the cheerleaders

Will be saying the income is on the rise.
My theory is that it is probably just a cycle (oooh, sorry about that word) thing. As time passes and the income doesn't rise dramatically more and more people get discouraged and stop reading. YM/STA dutifully comes through after a while and inactivates their accounts. Then has a smaller base of people to pay out to the next week. Income jump, if you can call a few more pennies a jump.
Then the payouts start to fall again, more people get discouraged, stop reading, round and round.
But, it's just a theory.
Sounds like those debit cards
are true to their name because all they have done is make another debit to those who actually bought into them, about 400 from what I hear.

What now Kim?
Are you going to issue stock or something.
Start your own money broker site? STA-Gold?
Gee, how about a check?
What does it say about a "business" when it can't (or won't) find a way to pay it's employees, affiliates, associates, suckers, whatever you want to call them.
Hey Kim?
Remember when all I wanted was a refund..about $400, yep.

You decided to diss me.
Cost you huh?
Every time they search for YMMSS or something I come up.
Thanks, you have taught me a lot about SEO.
Would $400 have been cheaper? YEP.
Esto blog...Am I angry?
I am very angry. The blog address was available for use. Esto wants to call it identity theft, but it was Esto STUPIDITY!!!!
I am tired of playing by the rules when no one else does.
Did I make some MW people mad with my latest Esto blog joke. I guess so. But THEY discarded me, not me them. Thanks MERC!
Screw it, I have never made any question out of the fact I am after these people.
Our governments? It's a joke. They move as slow as molasses, I will inflict damage as I can.
You want to play by the rules and condemn me along the way...fine.
Bite it!!
That esto blog thing was a real hoot. Didn't expect near the reaction and so quickly. Thanks to all who participated in making it such a success especially Esto.
Images we'd most like to see
Love Boat
Okay, I screwed up on
that work at home post and Chris had to call me out on the carpet.
But, now this site was a promoter. Check out the google cache:
cache linkCheck it out now: the for sale sign in the lower right, of course $5000 sounds ridiculous to me, and if YM was such a success....well you get the drift.
YM forums look practically dead
from the outside. Of course I am not privy to what goes on inside any longer nor have I tried to sign up under a bogus name. But if the couple forums open to the public are any indication it must be a ghost town on the inside. I half expected to see tumble weeds rolling through my screen.
There was even someone asking where all the testimonials were and the only latest one was bragging about getting soup. This has to be the height of denial. Go into a business thinking you are going to retire, now they are happy to get soup. Maybe that is how people during the depression felt.
Broke and just happy to get soup.
It is inconceivable to me
How matrixwatch can let stand posts that calls members names like "stupid" or "pathetic", let stand posts that ridicule and belittle victims while at the same time a thread that didn't mention any member by name and only expressed and encouraged compassion and sensitivity to victims is deleted.
Would anyone from MatrixWatch like to come here and explain this apparent contradictory approach to moderating?
At this point I can only conclude that the offending member is friends with at least one of the moderators on MW and can do no wrong while those who come in conflict with him are treated as the guilty party.
Ah well, I have my blog where things don't have to be deleted or hidden from public view.
The latest sta ymmsss scam announcement
03 May 2006 - STAFF-Chris
Purchase EPC's with On Hold Earnings
It is finally here!! You may now purchase EPC's with your earnings that are On Hold.
Unbelievable!!!!!!!It is finally here???? Like this is what people have been waiting on. No you idiots, they have been waiting for over a YEAR to get PAID like they were promised.
Anybody believing this? Why would someone purchase more worthless EPCs with money the YMMSS scammers still haven't paid out.
Want to generate some more bogus 1099 action? Well here you go.
Kim Inman, you are a crook, your wife Sue is a crook, your Momma is a crook.
Hmmm, I have tried to remain silent, but it...
Seems like one of my favorite {sarcasm} people on MatrixWatch is stirring up trouble again. For the sake of anonymity lets call him Weasel though his personality is more like Pepe Le Pu.
It is disheartening and difficult to understand why this person is allowed to continue to be a member there and why the mods seem incapable of taking any definitive action.
He is allowed to badger (no pun intended, well...maybe a little ; ) people via PM and in posts and I assume the mods scold him, but then he goes right back to the same behavior knowing of course that there will be no permanent actions taken against him.
As an example here is an excerpt of a PM sent to me while on MW (edited for profanity):
F * * k you loser
At least I am NOT STUPID like you to get ripped off by a lame *** like Inman
This person is supposedly on our side????? It is sad that several people have been run off by this person.
That's ok, I can take a few insults, and dish them out too, but it is particularly disturbing when this most recent case sounds like harrassment and cyber stalking.
Why MW, why?
Work at home
I remember seeing this site a lot as a promoter of YMMSS during my "due diligence" and subsequent searches. It looks like the owner has finally come to realize what a scam YMMSS / STA is.{{{CORRECTION - Chris who is the admin of this site above has let me know that he was not a promoter but actually one of those expressing "early" concerns about YMMSS. Wanted to put it here so as not to further tarnish his reputation.}}}
>>I have removed our comment exchange, some of the words looked like they had my adsense stuff in a rut.<<