Well, I finally got one of these bogus 1099 forms. If you got one too and you want some good info about how to proceed check out this link (click on title) on matrixwatch.
I am horrified. I got a 1099 Misc saying I was paid $4,200 - I WISH..!!!
I don't where to turn or what to do. I have never received one cent from YMMSS - never have and never will. I can't imagine how they came up with that number.
This is fraud bigtime. I don't know if I should report this to the IRS first or contact an attorney first.
Wish they would proscute Kim Inman. He has hurt so many people. Yes, we were foolish to believe him but you can be sure I have learned my lesson.
I don't know where to turn for advice about what to do about this.
I am sure not planning on declaring I was paid money that I wasn't paid. I just want OUT - OUT - OUT....!!!!
Call IRS immediately. We all did. Call ask what to do. You certainly don't want to pay taxes on income you never received. They have a procedure. Also look at Matrixwatch.com and see whast other ymmss'ers are doing. Do it! There is strength in numbers.
We can go to IRS website (irs.gov) to download the form. We need the 3949A. Mine said $1,600. The the support ticket from ymmss/sta is a joke. ..said it was for income from 06.. .after a few replies back and forth they said it was for a survey on 05.
someone from irs said to contact local police department as technically that is were crime has been committed. that would be vincennes indiana: (812) 882-1630. funny though, my envelop has a return zip of 78750. . .austin texas
PLEASE do file an IRS form 3949. Make sure that you put Kim Inman's info and STA info at the top of the form. You only need to put your ID at the bottom if you want to.
You are not alone in this battle. There are two things you must do. First is to protect your own IRS account by calling the IRS and reporting an incorrect 1099. Try this number 1-877-777-4778 That's the tax payer advocate hot line. You must write to STA and request that they correct your 1099. Of course we know that they will not, but IRS will first ask you if you did that.
After you take care of your personal 1099, you can begin to report the evolution of YMMSS into STA and what has been going on there. Sites to visit are IC3, and the Indiana State Attorney General's office http://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/consumer/complaint.html
Please register your loss and your effort at MatrixWatch.org http://www.matrixwatch.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2969
This site is a warning to people who might get involved with YMMSS or their new name STA, Success Through Advertising or "sta retail advertising". Run, do not walk away from these people. They will take your money and give you nothing but heartache in return.
I am horrified. I got a 1099 Misc saying I was paid $4,200 - I WISH..!!!
I don't where to turn or what to do. I have never received one cent from YMMSS - never have and never will. I can't imagine how they came up with that number.
This is fraud bigtime. I don't know if I should report this to the IRS first or contact an attorney first.
Wish they would proscute Kim Inman. He has hurt so many people. Yes, we were foolish to believe him but you can be sure I have learned my lesson.
I don't know where to turn for advice about what to do about this.
I am sure not planning on declaring I was paid money that I wasn't paid. I just want OUT - OUT - OUT....!!!!
Wish someone would give me some advice.
Same as me.
I got a 1099 form and it say I profit for 1,600.00 but I never got $1,600.00 from STA or YMMSS.
It says I must pay Fedral TAX!.
I never got one cent from YMMSS or STA.
You are not alone.
Call IRS immediately. We all did. Call ask what to do. You certainly don't want to pay taxes on income you never received. They have a procedure. Also look at Matrixwatch.com and see whast other ymmss'ers are doing. Do it! There is strength in numbers.
We can go to IRS website (irs.gov) to download the form. We need the 3949A. Mine said $1,600. The the support ticket from ymmss/sta is a joke. ..said it was for income from 06.. .after a few replies back and forth they said it was for a survey on 05.
someone from irs said to contact local police department as technically that is were crime has been committed. that would be vincennes indiana: (812) 882-1630. funny though, my envelop has a return zip of 78750. . .austin texas
PLEASE do file an IRS form 3949. Make sure that you put Kim Inman's info and STA info at the top of the form. You only need to put your ID at the bottom if you want to.
You are not alone in this battle. There are two things you must do. First is to protect your own IRS account by calling the IRS and reporting an incorrect 1099. Try this number 1-877-777-4778 That's the tax payer advocate hot line. You must write to STA and request that they correct your 1099. Of course we know that they will not, but IRS will first ask you if you did that.
After you take care of your personal 1099, you can begin to report the evolution of YMMSS into STA and what has been going on there. Sites to visit are IC3, and the Indiana State Attorney General's office http://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/consumer/complaint.html
Please register your loss and your effort at MatrixWatch.org http://www.matrixwatch.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2969
There is power in numbers!
Keep up the good work.
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