Important Announcement from Mike Hamilton, COO of Suckers Through Advertising.
I want to share with our 25,000 affiliates and the general public a major decision our core administrative staff made in Belize at our annual meeting ten days ago which was also attended by our legal staff.
Once again we have made a decision about YOUR business without. As usual we did it a while back and we are just telling you now. By the way, we are in Belize...suckers!
Since we started almost four years ago, we have offered persons with limited resources the opportunity to earn income with minimal financial participation.
Since we started almost four years ago, we have changed lots of people with some nice size nest eggs into persons with limited resources and offered them the opportunity to earn a miserable income.
We did this initially by cycling purchases and building the core of our advertising and reading affiliate base. This enabled us also to add additional revenue streams which helped to sustain our business. More recently we have done this by accelerating the value of advertising purchases in recognition of our affiliate's participation in our business.
We did this by promising you everything under the sun like doubling your money in 90 days and having you help by conning your friends and relatives. This helped us at the top to earn some great returns and sucker in more people to foot the bill.
Recently, however, there have been indications that virtually any online business that offers anything that can be perceived as a "doubling" of participant’s money is vulnerable to attack.
Recently though we are being investigated by the SEC, FTC, FBI and another 3 letter acronyms you can think of.
In Belize we were reassured, as we have been from early days, that while our initial compensation plan was unique, it has been entirely ethical because the cost/price ratio of our product permitted the generous program. We have always emphasized that we were selling, and people were buying a valuable advertising product.
From the early days we knew our compensation plan and the selling of advertising was just a cover for a ponzi scheme. By the way, we are in Belize suckers!!
What we did discover over time was that, while we could sell the electronic posting credits necessary to place the ads , we could not force affiliates or members, as they were called in the earliest days, to actually place ads. Recognizing this, and the misperception it might create, we began to evolve company policies from time to time in order to keep up with the changing times. Thanks to that, we have a solid base of affiliates that participate by reading ads and other activities. Our affiliates will benefit enormously from both the retail and the Products and Services sides of our business.
What we discovered over time was that people will believe just about anything to keep from admitting to themselves that they have been swindled. Recognizing this we began to evolve to see if we could suck some more money out of the fools.
As always, we encourage our affiliates to use or sell their Electronic Posting Credits, purchase more advertising and keep participating for 30 minutes per week. Internet advertising is rapidly taking over from print. Everyone knows that, particularly advertisers. We are on the leading edge of niche market, Internet Advertising, and the world is just now catching on to the value of our product. Thankfully, we were not too far ahead of our time.
As always we encourage out suckered members to send us more of their money. Internet scams are rapidly taking over from print. We are on the leading edge of that scam market and the FBI is just now catching on to us. Thankfully we seem to have a head start.
As a result of our discussions at our meeting in Belize, we concluded that, in the wake of recent events, that there were decisions we could make that would substantially increase our security, stability and profitability, not only in terms of our participant base but in terms of our relations with, and the perceptions of, the general public.
We concluded in the wake of recent investigations and bad press about our scam that we need to change everything again. By the way, we are in Belize suckers!!
We made two decisions that we believe will advance our goals of stability, security and prosperity.
We made two decisions that will f*** you over some more.
Effective on July 9th of this year, the Accelerator Table will be eliminated. During the next 98 days participants may purchase advertising as always. The table will continue to accelerate existing positions within it. At the end of this period, we will close the Accelerator Table and enter all purchases into the RFA. All positions in the Accelerator Table will have one final cycle before the table is eliminated. This should increase the value and demand for existing but unused EPCs and thus immediately benefit all participants.
Remember how you waited so long to cycle, but that was ok because when we went to the new system your positions would be weighted. So you have been earning 10 cents instead of a nickel. Well that is costing us too much money, gone suckers.
After July 9th, all advertising purchases of any amount will be placed directly into the RFA.
Also, effective immediately, we are beginning the work to eliminate the distinction between retail and participant advertising. All advertising on our site will soon be retail advertising. The only difference will be that participating affiliates can purchase advertising at wholesale.
Effective immediately we are still trying to do damage control so we all don't wind up in prison as Bubba's girlfriend.
We believe that these decisions will result in more prosperity for all our affiliates. As we participate together in popularizing our global advertising sites , the value of our participating affiliates' advertising purchases will rise.
We believe this will give us at the top more money while continuing to screw the guy who got in late.
We believe there is an incalculable advantage in eliminating the appearance of either a 'doubler' or a 'get rich quick' program.
Though how anyone would get the idea we were a doubler when we haven't doubled jack in over a year I don't know.
The elimination of the Accelerator Table means that existing and future participating affiliates will be eligible to be paid much more rapidly for the work they perform for our company.
The elimination of the Accelerator Table means that the few pennies or dollars extra you got from waiting so long is all you will get.
A third area of our concern in Belize was to expand ways for affiliates to participate meaningfully in our business. We will have more to say on that in the near future.
By the way, we are in Belize suckers!!

I thought things had gone bad when I was about to get $1920 and they said they were going to pay me weekly instead (SIGNIFICANTLY LESS). Then when my positions started doubling (FINALLY) they cancel the accelerator table. What the f**k is going on with STA (YMMSS) I'll tell you what... IT's A SCAM!!!! My heart goes to the people who have put tons of money into it. At least I got my money back when it was still doubling. I'm glad I didn't earn much more because than what I put in. It would just be like stealing. Kim is an expert at that! YMMSS (STA) SUCKS BIG TIME!!!!
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