Weird stuff and murder
Not sure some of you have heard about this, but the guy who was originally on the domain registration for YMMSS was someone named Alexei Goloubev. Last year YM was very secretive about who this man was. Kim even feigned that he was not sure, or maybe it was just a memory lapse, he seems to have a lot of those, but then seemed recall later. Early this year this man was found stabbed to death in his home in Belize.The last news report was:
Monday, February 20, 2006
This morning two Belize City teenagers were escorted to Magistrate's Court, accused of the murder of Russian national Alexei Goloubev. Nineteen year olds Aaron King and Llewellyn Williams were jointly charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder. King and Williams have been remanded to Hattieville Prison until their next court date on March twentieth. The decomposing corpse of thirty-four year old Alexei Goloubev was found on January third on the living room floor of his Third Street home. Closer inspection of the body revealed stab wounds to his back and head injuries. Authorities would later surmise that Goloubev had been killed by someone he knew because there were no signs of forced entry into the house.
Now nobody is saying Kim Inman had anything to do with this. Nobody is saying some disgruntled investors struck out at the only target they could find. Nobody is saying Kim Inman hired people to kill this man who was about to spill the beans. Nobody is saying this was a blackmail scheme gone bad.
Nobody is saying any of that.
Maybe just sometimes bad people attract bad events around them.
It appears now the domain is registered through some type of proxy service. A little late for anonymity now Kim, but I know there are many of us who wish we had never heard of you.
Need to get this out - I work where Kim did before he started YMMSS so he is real. Now for the strange part - I was speaking to a friend of mine a few months back and knew she had over $100K ready to turn on the next payout. I noticed she was not upset or in the least bit worried. When I questioned her on about not getting paid, she just smiled and said "oh well". I myself have lost $640 and am upset. I thought her response was strange but thought nothing more about it. Last week I was talking to another friend and asked what her parents thought now that payments were reduced to cents on the dollars. She looked at me strangly and replied her parents were still making money and that was one of the reasons her dad was able to close his business (income from YMMSS). Both of these folks got in on the early stages of the game. Could it be some folks are getting paid regularly and some folks aren't? I've heard rumors of this and settlements being made. If this is true, that sheds a whole new light on why things went bad and why some folks aren't unhappy with the way things are going. Maybe this would open up a fraud investigation if two sets of "books" are being kept. This could even get into a discrimation issue for the Feds and the finances would be secondary. This word needs to get out. I tried to post it to MatrixWatch and suceeded in getting myself barred from posting.
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