Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Some of the original YMMSS hype

YMMSS is a way to get paid double what you have spent in 3 months or less.

How? Whatever amount you spend on advertising to our paid safelist will get doubled in 2-3 months. (A safelist is a mailing list of people who have agreed to receive emails from each other.) In this case, all the members have PAID to belong. So your ads are read by the ideal target market ... which is people who have already bought online and are interested in quality business opportunities.

The PRODUCT that you're purchasing is "advertising to a high-quality paid safelist". Because it's a safelist, you have no risk of spam accusations, for the simple reason they would read your advert on their member site.

The best thing is that whatever you spend on ads, your money is doubled in each cycle. What's a "cycle"? It's the time it takes for your name to climb from the bottom of the ladder to the top of the ladder which is when you get paid your commission. That ladder, by the way, is called a straight line matrix and when you purchase your first EPC (Email Posting Credit) you step onto the first rung of a rapidly moving ladder. Cycles take 60-90 days, and have been shorter.

If you put $10 in now, it will double to $20 in 3 months or less. That's a 100 percent profit in about 3 months. Your local bank or building society certainly can't beat that, can they?


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