Friday, January 27, 2006


It is funny to be searching for YMMSS and see all the old sites and cached pages promising all the wealth, making glowing praises of Kim Inman's Ingenious plan, and going on and on about the 60-90 days cycle times, make $320 again and again, and all the other BS. Reminds me of a ghost town with tumbleweeds blowing through it. Abandoned sites fashioned by long ago disheartened followers of the Kim Inman vision.

I was on one engine and did a search of just YMMSS and it did it, but also suggested "YMMSS SCAM" as an alternate search I might want to consider.

Kimmy, when the search engines have your number, you better watch out.

Speaking of numbers, hey Kim, wheres that payment system??? Technical difficulties? Hacker attacks? Members just not doing enough? Want to make sure its perfect...yada yada yada. Why don't you publish a book of excuses and refer people to a page whenever a question is asked.


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