Thursday, December 01, 2005

Ponzi or Pyramid or Doubler scheme

For those of you who don't know. YMMSS / Your Money Machine Success System or STA / Success Through Advertising as they are calling themselves now is in fact a pyramid scheme which is on the verge of collapse. They have already made major rule changes from those that members joined under. They made these changes in order to try to last a little longer and suck some more money out of people. The early early members have profited, but everyone else is left holding the bag. It should have been called Your Money Machine Sucker System.

My fervent hope is that this blog will save somebody from making the same mistake I did. While I only lost a few hundred dollars some people have invested 50000 dollars or more. And we all have wasted significant time and other resources on this foolish program.

I admit my mistake, don't you make the same. I would not have joined under the rules as they are written now.


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